Counselor Meetings
Usually held the second Thursday of each month, these meetings consist of en educational workshop put on by a DCE (Developer of Council Education), a snack, and a business meeting. Typically starting at 7:00 PM, the meetings are hosted by one of the member churches. Because this is considered a council event, cadet shirts are worn for these.
Host churches are responsible for:
Opening devotions (Can be a pastor or youth pastor from the host church, but this isn't required. A counselor is very welcome to lead the devotions)
Refreshments (Typically enough for 25-30, though more if Cadets are invited)
Set up one head table with two chairs (for president and secretary)
American and Christian flags to be placed in appropriate place at the head table for counselor meetings
Set up chairs (30-40) facing the head table
Sample Meeting Agenda
Devotions (host church)
Opening prayer (host church or president)
Club Roll Call
Educational Workshop (DCE)
Break Time
Business Meeting
Board Roll Call
Review previous meeting minutes
Treasurer Report
Congressman Report
Committee Reports (Including reviews of upcoming council events, like the Chuckwagon or a service project)
Board Meetings
Usually held the forth Thursday of each month. Meetings start at 7:00 PM. Cadet shirts are not required.
Host churches are responsible for:
Opening devotions (Host board member)
Refreshments (Enough for 9 board members.)
Set up tables in a square or round formation with 9 chairs available